Emseni donated veggie seedlings to Kranskop Primary School.

Emseni donated veggie seedlings to Kranskop Primary School.
At Umphumulo Primary School, the MN Foundation together with Bonlé reached out to learners with an emphasis on bullying awareness. The children were encouraged to change their habits and were delighted when they received a drinking yoghurt and a special Bonlé book that depicts how we produce milk and milk products.
Donated 274 avocado seedling trees to the community.
Zamazisa Primary School Bonginkosi High School Tshutshutshu High School
Emseni Farming has started the year with excitement! We have the privilege of giving 5 schools – Shebe, Zamazisa, Ocheni, Kranskop, and Khomba Primary School – so much joy to with new netball poles and balls so that they can play their netball games. See how they play!
This is the vegetable farmer from Matimatolo. She has planted her vegetables and through care and advice received on how to plant, has grown enough for her own supply and to sell to the community for an income.