At 4 primary schools - Ocheni, Zamazisa, Bonginkosi and Balcomb's Hill Primary - the school children learnt to plant cabbages, spinach and beetroot today. They prepared the soil, planted and watered the seedlings, hopefully to get a good harvest. Seedling were also given to the children to plant at home. Whoever has the best harvest will receive a reward.
With a good start into the year 2025, Ocheni Primary School has happily harvested from the seedlings they planted in October 2024. We congratulate and commend the Ocheni learners for their hard work. This good harvest will be used in the school's kitchen, where the children will be happy to enjoy the reward of their labours.
We are eagerly awaiting the competition date - 21 March 2025 - to see who of the crèches, primary schools, high schools, churches and families who have taken part in the vegetable planting will win the Agriculture Awards.